Managing competing priorities and maintaining your health while traveling can be hard. Discover tips for balancing sleep, exercise, and more.
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Kaitlin’s Blog
I am passionate about helping people learn how to heal their bodies. I believe we are all capable of thriving every day but most of us have no idea how good we can feel.
Healthy Habits on the Go: Eating Healthy While Traveling
Learn how to maintain a healthy diet while traveling. From packing snacks to navigating airport food, stay energized and on track on the go!
Healthy Habits on the Go: Smart Packing Tips and Essential Supplements
Explore healthy packing tips and tools to maintain your wellness goals on the go, including essential supplements and a smart packing list.
Healthy Habits on the Go: Strategies for Staying on Track When You’re Off Your Routine
Traveling, especially for business, presents unique obstacles to maintaining a healthy routine. Discover strategies for sticking with healthy habits on the go.
Why you should care about the Nutritional Foundations as a young, healthy person
According to the CDC, about 80 percent of older adults (above age 65) have at least one chronic disease and 68 percent have at least two.
How blood sugar impacts your hormones and why you should care as a healthy adult!
Did you know that the body produces over 100 hormones? Hormones have a bad reputation because society usually only talks about them in relation to bad mood swings
Disclaimer: The information, material, and content presented on this site is intended for educational and informational purposes only. This website does NOT provide medical advice. None of the opinions, recommendations, or information contained on this site have been independently evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No information on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition under any circumstances. I am not a doctor or registered dietitian and should not be construed as one. Always consult with a qualified medical professional before engaging in any dietary, exercise or lifestyle changes.
Kaitlin’s favorites
Get Help From The Comfort Of Your Home
Here is a list of Books and Podcasts that have been impactful during my own health journey
Some supplements can help assure that you get enough of the vital substances the body needs to function; others may help reduce the risk of disease.
Feel good in your body and in your home, getting the appropriate products would help your process.